Photography and Video  

Whilst undertaking activities, photographs and or video images may be taken to record the event and provide evidence of the event for future reference by the members of 7th Newport (All Saints) Scout Group.


The leaders and management committee of 7th Newport (All Saints) Scout Group will endeavour to restrict the taking of photographs to those persons deemed suitable to do so by the Leaders and management of 7th Newport (All Saints) Scout Group. Due to the public nature of some events this may not always be possible.


Images may be used for purposes directly connected to 7th Newport (All Saints) Scout Group, Newport District Scouts and the national Scout movement. Such uses could include posting the images on our or other Scouting websites.


The images will be uploaded to a secure image sharing site such as our closed group Facebook site where viewing rights can be issued to those members of 7th Newport (All Saints) Scout Group that were involved in the activity in question. Access may also be granted by the leaders and management of 7th Newport (All Saints) Scout group when appropriate.


7th Newport (All Saints) Scout Group reserve the right to limit access to any and all images. Primarily access will be granted to those persons who attended said event although attendance at an event does not automatically mean access will be granted.


Access to these images may be granted to other persons upon the receipt of a specific written request detailing the proposed use of the images and giving full personal details of the enquirer. Access will only be granted if 7th Newport (All Saints) Scout Group is satisfied that the person requesting access to the images will not use them in an inappropriate way. Access granted in this way will be time limited. 


7th Newport (All Saints) Scout Group will allow copying of images, with restrictions, if it is solely for the use of the person granted access. The copying of material and images for use on commercial sites and/or for financial gain is strictly prohibited.


No images can be forwarded in any form to any individual or third party. If additional persons require access to these images please contact 7th Newport (All Saints) Scout Group and permission may be granted as appropriate.


Any individual or group that abuses the trust placed in them can have access to the images withdrawn and 7th Newport (All Saints) reserves the right to exclude said party from further activities undertaken by 7th Newport (All Saints) Scout Group.


Any person who wishes to have their image(s) removed from any site or document should contact 7th Newport (All Saints) Scout Group advising which image(s) they are.

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and our favourite links